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Manuden is a small village in Essex on the Hertfordshire boundary its principal street, imaginatively called The Street, is lined with Grade II listed medieval houses, former shops and inns. There is also a wealth of vernacular medieval architecture (a malt loft which juts out over the street at an alarming angle, a thatched privy and an icehouse being a few examples). The splendid flint-coated church of St Mary the Virgin, Manuden dates back to 1143 but, although it retains some Norman features, it was largely rebuilt between 1863-76. Several fine country houses add to the charm of the village, which is surrounded by gently rising fields. Once a farming community with a mill and two maltings, the village still boasts two working farms dedicated to a mixture of arable, dairy and sheep farming. Leatherwork was made in the village from 1430 to 1900's, as evidenced by the tanner shown at work on the village sign.

Manuden is in a designated conservation area - unspoilt even by streetlights. The local council fiercely protects trees -particularly yews. Yew was the favoured wood of medieval archers and fletchers - hence the name of the village pub, "The Yew Tree Inn". All alterations to houses are subject to consent by the Conservation Officer for the area as well as standard planning permission. It is amazing that film directors, seeking authentic locations for period dramas have not besieged Manuden.

First recorded as a Saxon settlement in the Domesday Book of 1086, Manuden in the 21st Century has a strong sense of community spirit and a fierce pride in its history. So much so that, in the summer of 2000, all roads to Manuden were sealed off while villagers (in costume) enacted a pageant of scenes from the history of the village, researched by the formidable History Society. Scenes included the Domesday inspection, a murder and hanging, a visit by Queen Elizabeth I, a World War II evacuation and a Silver Jubilee Party.

from an idea by Mollie Gilbey - Manuden 10K TBC

Manuden Ladies Rounders
Manuden Village Community Centre - Open Day
Village Hall - 100 Club
Manuden Cricket Club are recruiting
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