Uttlesford District Council will require us
to build a
small number of affordable houses as
part of the scheme. Before we decide how many
houses are acceptable, we will need to carry
out a housing
needs survey in Manuden.
The survey will be carried out by the Rural
Housing Enabler, based at the Rural Community
Council of Essex (RCCE). A
survey form will be delivered to every home
in the village; a good response is required
and responses will be posted back to the RCCE
and remain anonymous.
We expect several people to be in need of
an affordable home in the village and estimate
that perhaps
four homes would be recommended. It
is likely that some will be for rent and
others for sale
on a shared-ownership basis. This will
be determined by the survey. Homes will be
owned and managed by a Registered Social Landlord
(Housing Association), regulated and funded
by the Housing Corporation.
Because the houses will be built outside
the village development boundary, they can
and will be restricted for allocation to people
with a strong local connection to Manuden as
a matter of priority. There is no “right-to-buy” in
rural areas so the houses will
remain affordable and available to local people
in perpetuity. A legal agreement will
enforce this when planning permission is granted.
A local
example of rural affordable housing
can be seen at Oxleys Close on the right
hand side of the road into Clavering,
adjacent to the shop. This scheme was built
by the Rural Housing Trust; there are 14
homes for rent or shared ownership and all
are occupied by people with a strong local
connection to Clavering.