Manuden and Berden History Society
The society was founded in Manuden in 1986 and merged with
Berden in 2010.
Meetings are held at: 'The Bury Barn', Manuden, Essex every
third Thursday of the month at 8 pm from September to May.
Membership is by subscription: Full £10 Seniors £8 Visitors £1.
WW1 Genealogy & War Memorial Renovation Project
We have completed the project including the renovation
of the Manuden War Memorial. This was a Heritage Lottery
Funded Project in partnership with Manuden Parish Council.
A full project report (pdf) may be downloaded here.
Berden and the First World War

Past Project - HEFA test digs in Manuden
On 4 and 5 April 2011 Manuden was visited by 28 secondary
school students, aged between 12 and 16, from all over Essex
as far afield as Canvey Island. Under the direction of Carenza
Lewis from Cambridge University Department of Archaeology,
previously a member of Channel 4's Time Team, the students
dug test pits in seven gardens in village.
For more information, test pit results and photographs click here.
Research projects have included:
- Churchyard Survey
- Field Names Projects
- Field Walking and Archaeology in the area
- Oral History
- Parish Map Project
- Parish Record Computerisation
- Photography and recording of Church Hassocks
- Tithe Map Recording
- Vernacular Architecture courses and
- Recording of vernacular architecture in village
- Manuden WW I Memorial research project
- House History research project.
- Sir William Waad, Lt. of the Tower and The Gunpowder Plot. £7
(Sir William lived in Manuden during the Elizabethan and
Stewart period)
- The Manor of Battles Hall, Manuden - the history of a
manor - Price £3 plus postage
- Manuden during the Second World War - Price £3 plus postage
- Waterside School, Hassobury - a history - Price £2.50
+ p.
- Manuden Appraisal Report (in collaboration with the Parish
Council) includes a short history of Manuden. Price £2 plus
- Manuden Church Leaflet - 40p available in church.
Exhibitions have been staged on Agricultural History and World
War II.
Recent projects:
- Domesday II Survey of Village
- Photographic Exhibition - May 2000
- Historical Re-enactment of village history by children
- May 2000
Fiona is the official History Recorder for Manuden.