In late 1999 Lloyd Frost offered to try to organise a Football club for the younger age group children (primary school age). The Parish council felt that this was very worthwhile and would help instill some sense of responsibility for the playing fields in the children, and that this perhaps might encourage them to value this amenity and try to protect it later as they grow older.
After much discussion and canvassing the decision was taken to start the ball rolling in February. The immediate take up was very good, peaking at 28 children. We have asked for £1 subscription every week.
Glaxo Wellcome have made a generous donation of £545 to the club to help us buy new goal posts and other equipment. We have now opened a bank account and Carol Groom is our treasurer.
Numbers have tailed off a bit since the flying start to a regular attendance of 15 or so children. We are canvassing for more input from parents and children as to the direction they want the club to take, whether they want to continue with only football or try some other sports as well. We have also launched a campaign to encourage children from other villages to join in.
Many thanks must be offered to all those involved in setting up the club and in particular to the stalwarts who have turned out rain or shine to play, coach or watch encouragingly.
© Manuden Junior FC