Facility |
No |
Size |
Notes |
New Building: |
1 |
498 sq m (5,366
sq ft) |
- Energy efficient.
- Disabled access to all parts of building.
- Barn-like style to fit countryside setting.
Multi-use Hall |
1 |
16.3m x 8.8m
with 8m vaulted ceiling |
- Seating for 150 people
- One Badminton court
- Portable equipment for Table Tennis etc
- Acoustic induction loop for the aurally
- Semi-sprung hardwood strip floor
Store Rooms |
3 |
31.53mē |
- Lockable store opening on to main hall
Changing Rooms |
2 |
8m x 4.2m each |
- En suite showers, WCs and benches
- Can accommodate two football/cricket
Changing Room |
1 |
5.4m x 4m |
External Store |
1 |
8m x 2.3m |
- External access only for outdoor equipment
Toilets |
2 |
4m x 2.6m each |
Disabled Toilet |
1 |
2.1m x 1.6m |
- Disabled WC, shower & changing
- Baby changing facilities
Kitchen |
1 |
5.5m x 4m |
- Separate external access
- Fully equipped
Meeting Room |
1 |
5.5m x 6.9m |
- To be used for smaller meetings etc.
Doubles as a bar area
Foyer |
1 |
5.5m x 3.5m |
- Provides an entrance foyer and waiting
Multi-use Games
Area |
1 |
34m x 37m |
- Fenced off all weather surface
- Rebound Boards, Floodlit (400 lux)
- Suitable for 2 Tennis courts, 5-a-side
football, netball, roller hockey, basketball.
Cricket Pitch |
1 |
- No longer overlapping with football
Football Pitches |
2/3 |
- Space for 2 full size and 1 junior pitch
New Access Road & Parking |
- New access road will replace existing
access road, which will be pedestrianised
- Ample car parking
- Low level lighting to car park