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The History of the Playing Fields

The Manuden Playing Fields Association (MPFA), a registered charity, leases the Playing Fields from the Battlement Trust. The 99 year lease has 41 years to run. The fees paid by the sporting organisations using our field and other fundraising activities pay for its maintenance. The fields have been used for many village events; for instance there used to be an annual fete on the field.

For many years there was a cricket green as well as a football pitch. The pavilion served the needs of both footballers and cricketers. During the 1970’s, however, it fell into disrepair. Vandalism was rife. The cricket club folded; the green was hired to Little Hadham CC for a while but since then the square has remained unused.

However, Saturday and Sunday League football still flourishes on the playing fields. Because of its excellent drainage the football pitch has a fine reputation throughout the region, despite the rudimentary changing facilities. On a Sunday morning up to 50 cars may be parked at the field as the minis finish their training session and adults and juniors arrive for their games. The Manuden Ladies Rounders Club also uses the field regularly in summer.

The revamped Children’s Playground has proved to be very popular. In the 1990’s the very popular Mother & Toddler Group raised funds to replace all the damaged apparatus and fence off the area. In 2006 a further piece of equipment was added in Katie Rock’s memory.

The MPFA welcomes the increased use of the field. But the “pavilion”, or what remains of it, is extremely rudimentary and has a limited lifetime; there is no hot water and the toilets are not integral. These facilities do not meet English FA standards and desperately need replacing by something fit for the 21st Century.

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