Take a moment to think about our Village Hall. It
is old and it’s falling
apart, but we’re fond of it. We’ve learned to
cope with its limitations. Do things need to change?
What happens if we do nothing?
1) We could lose
the Village Hall forever
It would only take one accident or small fire to occur
in this Hall and the
whole facility would be permanently closed by
Health and Safety Inspectors. It would be unlikely
to reopen because the building cannot be made fit for
purpose under today’s regulations.
2) We WILL lose
the Playing Fields
The lease on the Playing Fields expires
in 41 years (two generations at most). When
this happens, the fields will become private
property and Manuden will lose the only outdoor
space big enough for football and cricket.
The proposed scheme gives us:
- A Community Centre to
suit the needs of all ages from Toddler through to
Senior Citizen.
- The opportunity for a
much wider range of social and recreational activities than
we currently have access to.
- 16 acres of FREEHOLD land
in perpetuity, enabling sport and recreation to flourish
in the village and effectively capping future housing