The Rural Community Council of Essex
carried out a Housing
Needs Survey in Manuden in 2008.
The survey showed a need for some affordable
housing. Four such houses will therefore
be built within the housing development
as a whole. Two of them will have two
bedrooms and the other two will have
three bedrooms each
In conjunction with Pelham Structures
we have agreed in principle that the
English Rural Housing Association will
own and manage the houses.
Because the houses will be built outside
the village development boundary, the
housing association, in conjunction
with Uttlesford District Council, will
allocate them as a matter of priority
to people with a strong local connection
to Manuden. In rural areas, such as
this, there is no “right-to-acquire” houses
owned by housing associations so the
houses will remain more affordable
than open market houses - and available
to local people - in perpetuity.
Pelham Structures, our preferred developer
for the whole project, has built a
number of Affordable Houses within
larger housing developments. They all
sit comfortably beside the market price
houses and share the very attractive
design features and external appearance
that distinguish Pelham Structures’ buildings
in general.