Planning Application Nearly There!
Exhibition held in the Village Hall
on 6th/7th January was well attended
and the plans for the project received
almost unanimous support. Thank you
to everyone who did attend and for
your comments. As a result the Steering
Committee believes its mandate to proceed
with the development has been further
reinforced. In response to the principal
issues raised at the exhibition:
It is argued by some that the
new road
access is too far out of the village
and should be re-sited nearer the planned
new houses. This point of entry for
the new road has been approved by Essex
Highways as being in compliance with
safety regulations and accepted by
Uttlesford when they approved our Outline
Planning Application. An entry point
close to the new houses would be no
further away from the difficult turning
from Maggott’s End and would have more
difficult sight-lines. It would also
involve the wholesale removal of a
large part of the high banking and
overhanging trees which form such an
attractive and distinctive feature
of the approach to Manuden from the
north. We will take the matter up with
our road consultants again but doubt
very much that the case for change
will be supportable.
There were many questions about the
Affordable Housing. The number of Affordable
Houses planned, namely four, was set
as a result of the Housing Needs Survey
conducted in the village in 2008 and
accepted by the English Rural Housing
Association, the nominated supplier.
It remains the best estimate of the
likely need. Two of the four houses
could be made available on a part-equity
basis but in the meantime, of course,
economic conditions have worsened.
Reduced mortgage availability has made
it more difficult, in the experience
of the Housing Association, to find
willing buyers who have the necessary
deposit and can secure a mortgage.
Sadly the rent-only option is no longer
as attractive as it was, rents being
much higher than they were and tenancies
are for a fixed period, not for life.
Anyone with connections to the village
who is interested in applying must
as a first step register their interest
with Uttlesford DC Housing Department.
The Steering Committee remains committed,
with Pelham Structures, to find ways
to make the houses and community building
environmentally efficient.
No clear view emerged at the Exhibition
about the external surfaces of the
community building so the Steering
Committee has decided on “aged brick” on
all the upper parts of the building
- a sample of “aged brick” was on display
at the exhibition - combined with light-coloured
wood boarding on some of the lower
parts of the building. The committee
feels this is a good balance between
an attractive appearance for the building
and its long term maintenance cost.
the other issues raised at the exhibition
are being examined by the Steering
Committee. A number of good suggestions
were made which will be incorporated
in the design. For instance, Alison
Watson’s idea for an outside covered
area for pushchairs etc to stop muddy
wheels in the entrance area is a winner!
all 19 people volunteered their help
in future, either in fundraising or
the on-going management of the community
facilities when they are up and running.
All 19 can expect to hear from us soon……..!
material shown at the exhibition is
now available on the Manuden village
will now get on with renewed momentum
with Pelham Structures to submit the
final planning application in the next
few months.
the MC&SC Steering Committee.